Carlaminda has an interesting fruit growing history as it was a noted
orchard property around the turn of the century.
The existing orchard was established in 2010 with an initial planting of around 75 different fruit trees and 30 berry and currant varieties. Since then, numbers have grown to around 105 trees and 46 vines and bushes. Species that do not produce well (or at all) are either replaced with something else, or have other varieties grafted onto it. So, it is always a work in progress.
The soil is alluvial river loam, so a vast contrast to Perth sand. The
quantity of fruit that is produced is amazing with over 100kg off some
We must confess we cannot take credit for the orchard. While we tend to the cattle and the bees Dave's father, Brian, spends many hours pruning, thinning, and picking the fruit in the orchard.